Glass Cone 81 Winter 2007

Glass In Context: A Swedish Design: A thought-provoking article by Roger Ersser, following the Glass Association trip to Sweden.

Paperweight Corner: News from Scotland and American Weights with China or Ceramic Inclusions (Part 1). Article by Richard Giles.

2007 Glass Sellers Award

Växjö Cathedral: Imaginative Swedish Glass. Article by Bob Wilcock.

Around the Exhibitions: Catching the Light (Guild of Glass Engravers); Sam Herman – Then and Now.

The Lemington Glassworks and High Cone (Tyneside): Article by Mike Pearce.

Glass Jugs 1750 – 1900: Article by Tim Mills.

Hyttsill Highlights: A meal with a difference at Kosta. Article by Geoffrey & Davina Timberlake.

2007 Ranamok Glass Prize

Glass Association Workshops: Engraving, led by Steve Piper, and Identifying Real Georgian Drinking Glasses by Jeanette Hayhurst.

European Glass Weekend: An overview of the October AGM and European Study Weekend by our new Chairman, Dr. Brian Clarke (the presentations made will be published in future Glass Cones).


Price: £4.50